Exhibition Hall

(downloadable pdf version at bottom of page)

2024 Competition Rules for articles that can move onto District and provincial competitions

 Commercial Feature Rules

1. Exhibitors must be members of the Roxborough Agricultural Society.

2. All classes can be either 2023 or 2024 crops.

3. Not more than one entry per farm per section.

4. Grain and forages to be exhibited in the plastic bags provided by the Fair.

5. Honey and maple syrup containers are not to have identifying labels on the jars.

6. Honey and maple syrup – see additional District and Provincial competition rules at the end of the prize list.

7. Eggs should be clean and displayed in an egg carton. The carton may be used and cut in half to display only 6 eggs. Please remove the top of the carton if applicable. Carton must be clean.

1. Forage Exhibit

Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $12, 3rd: $10, 4th: $7, 5th: $6


1.First cut hay – at least 75% legume, 6″ flake
2.First cut hay – at least 75% grass, 6″ flake
3.First cut hay – mixed legume/grass, 70%/30% either way, 6″ flake
4.Second cut hay – at least 75% legume, 6″ flake
5.Second cut hay – mixed legume/grass, 70%/30% either way, 6″ flake
6.First cut haylage, 10lbs, must be ensiled
7.Corn silage, 10lbs, must be ensiled

2. Grain Exhibit

Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $12, 3rd: $10, 4th: $7, 5th: $6


1.Oats, 10lbs
2.Winter or Spring Wheat, Triticale, 10lbs
3.Barley, 10lbs
4.Shelled Corn, 10lbs
5.Soy Bean, 10lbs
6.Buckwheat, 10lbs
7.Red Clover, 6lbs
8.Timothy, 6lbs

3. Honey and Maple Syrup

Prizes: 1st: $15, 2nd: $12, 3rd: $10, 4th: $7, 5th: $6


1.Honey, Pure Ontario #1 White Liquid honey one clear glass container, having a capacity of 500 grams (375 ml)
2.Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A amber one curved Kent style glass bottles (D&G #505188 Syrup Bottle with Handle), or equivalent, 250ml

4. Eggs

Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5


1.6 large eggs, white
2.6 large eggs, brown
3.6 pack variety, any size, any colour

5. Vegetables

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Beans, 6pods, with stem, green variety
2.Beans, 6pods, with stem, yellow variety
3.Beets, 5, table use, 1/2″ stem left on
4.Broccoli, 2 heads on stems
5.Cabbage, 1 head
6.Carrots, 5 with 1/2″ stem left on
7.Chives, 1 bunch with roots
8.Collection of herbs, 3 varieties, labeled
9.Green Tomatoes, 3
10.Cucumber, slicing, 2 with 1/4″ stem left on
11.Garlic, bulbs, 3
12.Swiss Chard, stalks exhibited in water
13.Green Peppers, 3
14.Lettuce, leaf, 2 with roots attached
15.Onions, green, bunch of 3
16.Onions, cooking, 3 with 1/2″ stem left on, not peeled
17.Peas, regular green, 6
18.Peas, edible pod, 6
19.Potatoes, 5
20.Radishes, 5 with 1/4″ stem left on
21.Rhubarb, 3 with calyx attached
22.Leeks, tops on, 3
23.Zucchini, 2
24.Tomatoes, cherry variety, ripe, 6
25.Any vegetable not listed, labeled
26.Tossed salad – made from your garden In a bowl 10″ or smaller, with homemade dressing on side and recipe attached

 Flower Show Rules

1. Entry tags must be securely attached with elastic or string.

2. It is recommended that suitable (non-tip) containers be used. Plastic containers, such as Javex and detergent bottles, will not be judged.

3. All containers must be clean.

4. Potted plants must have been grown in pots in which they are exhibited.

5. Flower(s) may be exhibited with its own foliage; Remove buds.

6. Material for Flower Arranging may be obtained from any source; no artificial flowers permitted.

7. Perennial plants are plants that live for longer than 2 years. Annual plants are plants that complete a seed-to-seed life cycle in 1 year.

6. Cut Flowers

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Dahlia, 3 stems
2.Marigolds, small, 3 stems
3.Petunia, hybrid single, 3 stems
4.Cosmos, 3 stems, any colour Buds accepted
5.Snapdragons, 3 spikes
6.Pansies, 3 stems
7.Sunflower, 1 bloom
8.Any annual, not listed, named, 3 stems
9.Monarda (bee balm), 3 stems
10.Miniature rose, any colour, 1 stem in bud vase
11.Hosta, any colour, 3 leaves
12.Phlox, 3 stems, perennial
13.Holiest leaf, submit 1 stem with an abundance of holes
14.Iris, 3 stems
15.Roses, any kind, one spray or 3 stems
16.Rose with foliage, floating in a glass bowl
17.Any perennial, not listed, named, 3 stems

7. Potted Plants

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


2.Geranium in bloom, any colour (new cutting)
3.Coleus, any variety
4.African violet in bloom
5.Potted ivy or any other vine
6.Potted house plant in bloom, not previously listed, named
7.Any house plant not previously listed, non-bloomer, named
8.Three house plants, any variety, on a tray, named
9.Impatiens (New Guniea variety)
10.Window box with assorted plants, max 24″
11.Cactus or succulent, 1 specimen

8. Flower Show Specials

Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $3


1.Patio container (Minimum 2 varieties)
2.Patio pot, 12 inch diameter or less
3.Hanging Basket

 Baking Rules

1. All food to be placed in resealable clear plastic bags. No twist ties. No plastic wrap. Use disposable or plastic plates. No glass. No Markers, doilies, or napkins on plates. Plates must fit easily into bags.

2. Entry tags must be securely attached with elastic, string or stapled.

3. Remove muffins and cupcakes from paper/foil baking cups.

4. Squares to be approximately 2″ x 2″ in size. Do not use corner pieces.

5. Baking Class requires one generous piece of pie only for judging.

6. All pies are to be made with a double crust except where single crust is requested.

7. Follow the section description – No extras.

9. Baking

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Apple pie
2.Cherry pie
3.Strawberry-rhubarb pie
4.Raisin pie
5.Raspberry pie
6.Pie crust, in its baking dish
7.3 peanut butter cookies
8.3 gluten free cookies, with recipe attached
9.3 rolled oatmeal cookies
10.3 chocolate chip cookies
11.1/2 cranberry loaf
12.3 cookies made with molasses
13.1 loaf of bread-machine bread, white
14.3 cheese biscuits
15.3 blueberry muffins
16.3 bran muffins
17.3 banana muffins
18.4 butter tarts – OAAS Competition Winner of this section will advance to compete in District Competition
19.3 date squares
20.1/2 glazed lemon loaf
21.1/2 banana loaf
22.1/2 zucchini loaf with raisins, no nuts
23.1/2 cake made with molasses
24.1/2 60% whole wheat bread loaf
25.1/2 loaf of bread, yeast, not listed, recipe included (not bread machine)
26.3 chocolate brownies, not iced
27.3 pieces of chocolate fudge, no nuts
28.3 pieces of peanut brittle made in microwave
29.Baked pretzel, submit 1
30.Fair flops – any failures in Baking!

10. Baking Specials


1.Cake Decorating – Theme: Animal(s) Prizes: 1st: $30, 2nd: $20 gift certificate from Pommiers, 3rd: $10, 4th: 0 Judged on appearance only, cake and decorations must be fully edible
2.Three single servings of homemade food products Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $5, 4th: $5, 5th: 0
3.Sour Cream Coffeecake Prizes: 1st: One day pass to Upper Canada Village, 2nd: $10, 3rd: 0 Submit ¼ of the cake – baked in a round fluted/bundt pan 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp soda 1 cup sour cream 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon   Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Sift together flour, powder, soda and salt. Add dry ingredients alternately with sour cream. Combine remaining ingredients for topping. Spoon half of batter into greased 10 inch tube pan. Sprinkle with half the topping. Add remaining batter, then remaining topping. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Don’t open the oven while baking. Cool. Turn out. If desired, drizzle with confectioners sugar icing.

 Bottled Goods Rules

1. Entries must be in standard jars.

2. Sealers must be sealed.

3. No wax.

4. Sealers which cannot be opened by judges will not be judged.

11. Bottled Goods

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


2.Apple Jelly
3.Jelly, your choice
4.Strawberry Freezer Jam
5.Strawberry Jam
6.Diabetic jam, any variety, recipe attached
7.Combination jam, min 2 fruits, labeled
8.Chili sauce – any type
9.Spaghetti sauce, no meat
10.BBQ sauce made with molasses
11.Dill pickles
12.Relish, labeled
13.Pickled vegetable, your choice
15.Pickled beets
16.Pickles not listed, labeled

 Home Craft Rules

1. Exhibitors must complete the entry form found online and give it to the Home Craft Director on Friday before 11:30 am, or enter via Assist Expo before 12am Friday morning.

2. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor.

3. No straight pins (use safety pins).

4. The exhibitor may enter all classes but shall not enter more than one article in each section.

5. The exhibitor may exhibit an article only once. Articles seen a second time at the Fair will not be judged.

6. Judges of the Home Craft class are authorized by the Directors of the Society to disqualify all soiled, defaced, or old work.

12. Domestic Crafts

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Two place mats
2.Table centrepiece, knit or crocheted, 12″ or more, mounted
4.Favourite unfinished article
5.Two tea towels, with needlework
6.Pair of oven mitts
7.Tea Cosy
8.Two Pot holders
10.Table runner – not quilted
11.Any article of Swedish Weaving
12.Set of 3 crocheted appliques, unifying theme, mounted
13.Baby afghan, knitted or crocheted, min. 36″ x 36″
14.Lap afghan, knitted or crocheted, approx. 36″ x 40″
15.Afghan, knitted or crocheted, min. 48″ x 60″

13. Adult Wearing Apparel

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Pullover sweater, knitted or crocheted
2.Slippers, knitted or crocheted
3.Mitts, knitted or crocheted
4.Pair of men’s work socks, knitted or crocheted
5.Skirt, no zipper, unlined
6.Dress, no zipper, unlined
9.Boxer shorts

14. Children’s Wear (up to size 12)

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Baby set, 2 pieces, knitted or crocheted
2.Child’s toque & mittens, knitted or crocheted
3.Child’s jumper
4.Child’s pullover sweater, knitted or crocheted
5.Child’s party dress
6.One pair of slippers

15. Handicrafts and Hobbies

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Plastic canvas article
2.Stone art, framed
3.Homemade toy or doll, not a kit
4.Small leatherworking article
5.Picture, cross stitched, framed
6.Picture, needlepoint, framed
7.Wall hanging – not quilted
8.Decorative garden article
9.Decorated hat
10.Three different fridge oraments
11.Pin cushion
12.Scrapbook, 1 page
13.A farm themed card made with the use of a die-cutting machine, like a Cricut or Silhouette
14.A shadow box craft made with the use of a die-cutting machine, like a Cricut or Silhouette
15.A papercraft decoration, max 12″x12″ made with the use of a die-cutting machine, like a Cricut or Silhouette
16.A papercraft bookmark made with the use of a die-cutting machine, like a Cricut or Silhouette
17.A needle punch article
18.Woodworking article
19.Resin Article
20.Door decoration
21.1 leaf of homemade paper, max 8″x10″
22.Welcome wreath or swag; must contain word “Welcome”
23.Article in the style of Paint by Numbers, Diamond dot, etc, mounted
24.A bookmark, not made from paper

 Quilting Rules

1. If exhibiting a quilt, please attach quilt pattern name to entry tag. Indicate if the pattern is an original design by the exhibitor.

2. The handmade quilt from Section 1 and the machine quilt from Section 2 are OAAS Competition classes. Please refer to the additional District and Provincial competition rules at the end of the prize list for these classes, or the OAAS website https://ontarioagsocieties.com/convention/district-and-provincial-competition-rules. Eligible quilts move on to the District competition in the fall.

16. Quilting


1.Quilt, pieced and/or appliqued. Hand quilted Prizes: 1st: $25, 2nd: $15, 3rd: $10 Total perimeter measured – 324 inches OAAS Competition
2.Quilt, pieced and/or appliqued. Machine quilted. Prizes: 1st: $25, 2nd: $15, 3rd: $10 Total perimeter measured – 324 inches OAAS Competition
3.Quilt, pieced and/or appliqued. Hand or machine quilted. Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5 Single bed sized approx. 60″x86″
4.Quilt, pieced and/or appliqued. hand quilted by a group Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5 Minimum size 72″x90″
5.Quilt, baby/crib size, hand or machine quilted. Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
6.Quilted Table runner, hand or machine quilted Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
7.Quilt blocks, 3 different, mounted, able to see back Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
8.Quilted cheater block – crib size Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
9.Rag Quilt, any size Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
10.Lap Quilt Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5

 Photography Rules

1. Photographs may be in colour or black & white.

2. Photographs must be regular print size (4×6 or 5×7).

3. Prints must be mounted on matte, black paper with a 1” border all around. No frames.

4. No staples. No photo corners.

5. All photos must have been taken by the exhibitor.

6. Only one entry per section.

17. Amateur Photography

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Outdoor play
5.Lane, Path, or Train tracks
9.Things with Wings
11.Local Landmark
12.Something New

18. Photo Special


1.Collection of 4 photographs mounted as a unit Prizes: 1st: $25, 2nd: $15, 3rd: $10 Topic: Avonmore Fair
2.Collage: Theme “Humorous photos with captions” 5 pictures mounted Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $3
3.Narrative Photography, Tell a story with 4 photos Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $3
4.Adult – a photo showing “Serenity” Prize: Wattie Karate Gift Certificate
5.Youth (up to 18 years) – a photo showing “Serenity” Prize: Wattie Karate Gift Certificate

19. Art Show

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Oil painting, with or without a frame, with name covered
2.Acrylic painting, mounted or framed, with name covered
3.Painting in watercolours, mounted or framed
4.Charcoal sketch, mounted or framed
5.Pencil sketch, mounted or framed
6.Pen and ink drawing, mounted or framed
7.One adult colouring page completed using any medium, mounted or framed
8.Mixed media piece, mounted or framed
9.Coloured pencil drawing, mounted or framed
10.Reverse colouring page, watercolour paint on page, then lines added once dry to make the image of a colouring page, mounted or framed

20. People with Special Needs – Adult

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2


1.Any vegetables, 2, labeled
2.Any cut flowers, 3, labeled
3.Any article of baking, labeled
4.Any article of bottled goods, labeled
5.Any article of domestic crafts, labeled
6.Any article of adult wearing apparel, labeled
7.Any article of childrens wear, labeled
8.Any article of handicraft or hobbies, labeled
9.Any article of quilting, labeled
10.Any article of photography, single photo, labeled
11.Any article of art show, mounted or framed, labeled

 Youth Exhibit Rules

1. All articles must be in place in the Exhibition Hall before 11:30 am on Friday.

2. All entries must be made by the exhibitor (child).

3. No membership fee will be charged.

4. Only one entry per section but you can enter in as many sections in your age class as you wish.

5. Age to be calculated as of December 31 of the current calendar year.

6. All articles must be listed on an official entry form and handed to the Home Craft Director on show day. These entry forms can be obtained from the Home Craft Director, on or before show day or on line

7. All articles must have entry tags on them, properly filled out. These tags can be obtained from the Home Craft Director, or at the Exhibition hall on Thursday evening or Friday morning of the fair.

8. You must remove your exhibits from the exhibition hall on Sunday, between 4:00 and 4:30 pm. Exhibitors may pick up their prize money and/or gifts at this time. If you are unable, it is your responsibility to plan to collect your exhibits and prize money.

9. Please refer to the Baking Rules for the Youth Baking section.

10. No mixes please for the Youth Baking, unless otherwise specified.

11. Prize money for Youth Baking will follow the same format as the Youth Exhibits.

12. Please resepect the age categories.

21. 3 Years and Under

Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1


1.Best Dressed Teddy bear
2.Display your 6 favourite things in an egg carton
3.Colour a picture
4.Finger paint
5.A wildflower (weed) bouquet in a non-tip water container

22. 4 to 5 years (Including 5)

Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1


1.Make a collage of “things at Avonmore Fair”
2.Make a crown from bristol board and decorate it
3.Display 6 items found on a nature walk in an egg carton
4.Make a painting using kitchen utensils
5.Make a picture out of seeds, beans, buttons glued onto a plate

23. 6 to 8 years (Including 8)

Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1


1.Make a picture using potato printing
2.Make a friendly wanted poster of your favourite animal
3.Make a Minecraft Selfie – hand drawn and coloured, 8-1/2″ x 11″
4.Make a suncatcher, any medium
5.Make a homemade bank
6.Draw a picture of you and your best friend, doing something you enjoy

24. 9 to 12 years (including 12)

Prizes: 1st: $4, 2nd: $3, 3rd: $2


1.Make a picture, any medium, max 8-1/2″x11″
2.Make a craft using duct tape
3.Paint a rock to look like a farm animal
4.Make your own Pokemon card
5.Make something using melty beads/perler beads
6.Create a soap carving of a sea creature. Display in a ziplock bag.

25. All teens

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3


1.Make a cartoon character, any medium
2.Make a tie-dyed shirt
3.Make an article of jewellery, any medium
4.Make a picture, any medium, max 8-1/2″x11″
5.One adult colouring page completed in any medium, mounted w/ a 2″ black border
6.Open – something not listed here that you are proud of

26. Youth Baking


1.3 years and under – Decorate a cookie, can be from a kit Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1
2.4-5 years – Rice cake face – decorate a rice cake as a face using anything edible Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1
3.6-8 years – 3 cupcakes on a paper plate, decorated for a birthday Prizes: 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1
4.9-12 years – 3 muffins displayed on a paper plate, identified Prizes: 1st: $4, 2nd: $3, 3rd: $2
5.All teens – 3 molasses cookies, display on a paper plate Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3
6.OAAS Plain Chocolate chip cookie competition – 5 cookies Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3 Ages youth up to 15 as of Dec 31st see additional OAAS rules

27. People with Special Needs – Youth

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3


1.Colour a picture
2.Make a necklace, any medium
3.Take a picture of your favourite thing, 4″x6″
4.Make a mosaic out of pieces of coloured paper
5.Make a suncatcher, any medium
6.Submit an article of baking, labeled

28. All Youth Special

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2, 5th: $1


1.3 years and under – Colour a picture of a farm animal
2.4 to 5 years – Make an animal out of plasticine or playdough, display on a plate
3.6 to 8 years – Make a sock animal
4.9 to 12 years – Make an animal out of melty (perler) beads
5.All teens – Draw an animal in a habitat other than the one you normally find it in

29. Story Writing and Poster Specials

Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2, 5th: $1, 6th: $1, 7th: $1, 8th: $1, 9th: $1, 10th: $1


1.Describe and/or draw your family’s Fire Escape Plan Students grade 5 to 8 in Stormont County
2.Computer generated poster promoting Avonmore Fair All elementary students. Must include the fair date.

30. Colouring and Line Drawing contests


1. Drawing to be used for the 2025 Avonmore Fair Colouring Contest.

2. Theme: Boots and Flowers

3. Open to all children ages 11 to 18 of the current calendar year.

4. The drawing must be suitable to be used for a colouring contest and include “Avonmore Fair” on the drawing.

5. All entries become the property of the RAS and will only be used for promoting the fair.

6. First place will be awarded $50. A runner up will also be chosen and awarded $25.


1.Colouring contest -3 years and Under Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2, 5th: $1
2.Colouring Contest -4 to 6 years Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2, 5th: $1
3.Colouring contest -7 to 10 years Prizes: 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3, 4th: $2, 5th: $1
4.Line Drawing Contest – 11 years and up Prizes: 1st: $50, 2nd: $25 Theme for 2025 – Boots and Flowers